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TJ Saracens is Silver CAPS Accredited .

The Club Action Planning Scheme (CAPS) is aligned to the Sport England Clubmark accreditation scheme which is the only national cross sports quality accreditation scheme for clubs with junior sections. It is built around a set of core criteria which ensure that accredited clubs operate to a set of consistent, accepted and adopted minimum operating standards.

CAPS has three levels of accreditation: Bronze, Silver and Gold.

Bronze is the first level, incorporating the Clubmark criteria covering the areas of safeguarding and protecting children and young people, quality coaching and officiating, competition, talent development, sports equity and good management.

Silver and Gold are about demonstrating further quality across the areas of coaching, officiating, and developing volunteers. If Silver or Gold is achieved, the club is demonstrating that we have met the minimum operating standards required for Clubmark but have also demonstrated a further commitment to ensuring a club environment which provides a higher quality of coaching, officiating, leadership and volunteering opportunities for the young people within the club.

See below for our public documents relating to CAPS and the running of the club.

Good to Know

This document outlines the structure of the Committee and provides the role descriptions for each position within the committee and broader volunteer structure.

This document provides the details on how our club runs!

Important Info

Expectations of all memebers of our club.

Important Info

Important Info

How we respond to any emergencies arising during events we run or are involved in.

What to do if there's a problem, and how we will handle it

Important Info

Our commitment to ensuring all members are treated fairly and not subject to discrimination!

Goot to Know

Important Info

Our commitment to creating and maintaining a safe and fun environment, specifically for our U18 members

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